Guidelines For Reversing
The following reverse descriptions are GUIDELINES. They are designed as a supplement to a proper lesson and as a guide for use in the school car.
Adaption should be advised if practising in a private car.
Reversing From Behind a Car Parked on Right
Pull up on right hand side of road, fairly close to kerb and parked car
Handbrake on
Select reverse gear
Find Biting Point
Observation 6 points - finishing up looking over left shoulder
Handbrake off
Reverse slowly back until about two car lengths from parked car (observing all around throughout)
Handbrake on
Select first gear and get biting point
Observation 6 points - finishing up looking over left shoulder
Indicate left
Slowly rejoin main road
Parallel Parking
Pull up alongside parked vehicle, 1/2 car length in front of parked car (parallel) (1/2 + 1/2)
Handbrake on
Put into reverse gear
Finding biting point
Observation 6 points - finishing up looking over left shoulder
Reverse until our back seats are level with back of parked vehicle (back + back)
Brake - Hold onto clutch and brake
Quick observation
One revolution of the wheel anti anti clockwise
Reverse until you can see the passenger door handle is level with the middle of the kerb in left side mirror (45 degrees)
Quick observation
Full lock to right
Reverse slowly into space, observing in mirrors and back window until parallel to left kerb.
Reverse Bay Parking
Handbrake on
Into reverse gear
Biting point
Observation 6 points
Line up Bay divisional line with prediscussed point on passenger door. The bay line will be two clear bays from the bay to be reversed into (3rd bay)
Look all round, finishing up looking over left shoulder and then start reverse.
All round observation. Start reversing on full lock to left and continue looking around for vehicles etc. In left mirror watch for car to get into bay. Once parallel and into bay, straighten car quickly and reverse until fairly close to rear of bay.
Handbrake on
Bay Parking Forwards and Reversing Out (Left or Right)
Decide which bay (left or right side) that will be parked into
This example will be to the left
Pull up as far to the right of the left bays as possible (opposite for parking right bays)
Line up passenger wing mirror with the first line of bay to be parked (as if the line were to pass through the mirror in straight line across car)
First gear and biting point
Signal left (right if into right bay)
Observation 6 points - finishing up looking over left shoulder (right if into right bay)
Full lock to left (right if into right bay)
Straighten once into bay.
Select Reverse gear and biting point
Observation 6 points - finishing up looking over left shoulder
Reverse straight until wing mirrors lined up with front line of bay
Full lock to left (right if into right bay) until out of bay and ready to proceed forward
Observation 6 points
Drive away when safe
Key Points
Keep car moving slowly with clutch control
Continue looking around the car for other vehicles, pedestrians etc, at all times
Any movement i.e. vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians - STOP and ASSESS before continuing.
The following reverses are no longer used on the practical driving test but will normally be taught as common practice as they may be used in day to day driving.
Sweeping left reverse around a corner
Pull up a drains width from the kerb and approx 2 car lengths from junction
Handbrake on
Select reverse gear
Finding biting point
Observation 6 points finishing up looking over left shoulder
Handbrake off
Reverse slowly
Watch the kerb that you are about reverse around until it just disappears from the rear windscreen. STOP. Look in left mirror and line up back wheels wth first of the curved kerb.
Stop, look round - no handbrake needed - CLUTCH AND BRAKE CONTROL
Half a revolution of the wheel anti clockwise
Keep nice and slow, keeping eye on back window and all mirrors for any vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians
Straighten when parallel to kerb
Pull up 3-4 car lengths from junction
Sharp left reverse around a corner
Pull up drains width from the kerb and approx 2 car lengths from junction
Handbrake on
Select reverse gear
Finding biting point
Observation 6 points finishing up looking over left shoulder
Handbrake off
Reverse slowly
Reverse until the upholstery line on the back window is lined up with the corner of the kerb about to be reversed around.
STOP. Look in left mirror and line up back wheels wth first of the curved kerb.
Stop when in correct position
All round observation
Full lock round anti clockwise
Reverse round slowly
Keep looking in back window and side mirrors
Straighten up when parallel to kerb
Pull up 3-4 car lengths from junction
Turn in the Road
A Choose a safe place where there is good visibility, no obstruction in the road or on the pavement (watch for the lamp post, telephone poles or even post boxes), and where you have plenty of room. Stop on the left. Check the indicators have cancelled. Make sure the way is clear in front and behind, check the blind spot over your right shoulder.
B Go slowly forward in first gear using clutch control, turning your steering wheel briskly to the right. Aim at getting the car at right-angles across the road.
C When the front of the car is about one metre from the kerb and still moving very slowly, change the lock by turning the steering wheel briskly to the left. As the front wheels get near to the kerb, put the clutch right down and use your foot-brake to stop. Apply your hand-brake. Select reverse gear. Find the biting point.
D Make sure the way is clear. Check in all directions. If clear release your hand-brake. Back slowly across the road, turn the steering wheel as far to the left as it will go.As the back of the car nears the kerb (you will see this over your right shoulder), turn the wheel briskly to the right so that when you stop you will be nearly on the right-hand lock ready to drive forward again. Stop the car before you hit the kerb. Put on the hand-brake. Select first gear.
E Again make sure the road is clear and drive forward, turning the wheel to the right.You should now be able to straighten up on the left of the road...
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