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A T-junction is where a minor road joins a major road. As a rule, the road going straight ahead, along the top of the 'T', has priority.


The minor road with either have a:


  • Stop sign and road markings

  • Give way sign and road markings

  • Give way lines only

  • No road sign or markings.


On your driving test, when dealing with a T-junction the examiner will expect you to:


  • Use the MSM/PSL routine in good time

  • Comply with the correct rules for turning at, entering into and emerging from the junction

  • Position your car correctly and use the correct speed

  • Understand the rules of priority

  • Pull away safely, smoothly and under control.

Junctions on a bend


Extra care is needed when using a junction on a bend, especially when turning right from a major road which bends to the left.


When doing this:


- Your view ahead may be limited

- Traffic may be approaching at speed from your left


On your driving test, when dealing with a Junction on a Bend the examiner will expect you to:


  • Use the MSM/PSL routine in good time

  • Comply with the correct rules for turning at, entering into and emerging from the junction

  • Position your car correctly and use the correct speed

  • Understand the rules of priority

  • Pull away safely, smoothly and under control.


Box Junction


On your driving test, when dealing with a box junction the examiner will expect you to:


  • Use the MSM/PSL routine in good time

  • Not to enter a box junction unless your exit road is clear

  • Slow down and stop before the box junction if your exit road is not clear.


The examiner will also be looking to see that you:


  • Control your speed on the approach to box junction

  • Move off, after looking carefully to ensure it is safe

  • Keep traffic flowing freely

  • Don't enter a box junction illegally.


Box junctions are designed to stop the junction becoming blocked by queuing traffic. It is illegal to enter the area of yellow crisscross lines marked on the road at a box junction unless your exit road is clear. The one exception to this rule is: you can enter a box junction when you want to turn right but are prevented from proceeding by oncoming traffic or right turning vehicles.


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